

Amrita Yoga

Amrita Yoga is a school of yoga directly born from Amma’s sankalpa (divine intention) prompted by unconditional love and an attitude of service to the world. A holistic approach to well-being, our focus lies on awareness with heart-centered intention. The goal is to transcend a physically-centered asana practice by including the four paths of yoga.


Stay up-to-date with upcoming global Amrita Yoga events, workshops, and more.

We offer Programs for


Kids and Youth


International Day of Yoga

Amrita Yoga


Amrita Yoga tradition promotes heart-centered awareness for practitioners to journey to their true expression of Self. Practicing yoga while staying focused on the heart helps us transcend the physical asana practice. We experience increased health and dynamism and witness our true potential unfold.

Amrita Yoga at a Glance

Amrita Yoga is an experience of love and compassion, embodied through yoga practice. This lineage of yoga is a gift from Amma­—a global humanitarian and spiritual leader. Amrita Yoga was born from Amma’s sankalpa—meaning divine intention—and was further developed under her guidance. It builds on unconditional love and an attitude of selfless service to the world.

Learn more about our founder, her message, the uniqueness of Amrita Yoga, our mission, vision, and philosophy.

Featured Amrita Yoga Programs

All our programs are designed to encourage you to incorporate yoga into your daily activities so you can experience life on a profound level of intensity of heightened awareness. Live a life filled with joy, love and compassion while improving your overall health, happiness, and success.


We’ve aligned Amrita Corporate Yoga with the busy lifestyle of employees and have created a yoga practice that—applied regularly—improves physical health and clears the mind.

Employees, on all levels of the corporate hierarchy, will soon feel the benefits such as improved problem-solving and decision-making abilities, efficiency in productivity and focus to name a few.

You will also notice a perceptional shift in how you experience your workplace, colleagues, life, and the world you live in. 

Amrita Gentle Flow

In particular, if you are recovering from an injury or illness and want to slowly restore your practice with the need to feel rejuvenated, nurtured, and uplifted this class is for you. Our Amrita Gentle Flow classes are suitable for groups and individuals who are new to asana practice or wish to return to their yoga routine after a break or even wish to slow down their current practice focusing on building inner strength, flexibility, and balance.

Kids Yoga

Kids of today’s digital generation experience a tremendous amount of stress, whether it is school-related, friends-related, or home-related.
At an early age, they are exposed to public scrutiny and are vulnerable in a way never known before. Kids need the freedom to be themselves, have fun, and not worry about what others may think, like, or say about them. Amrita Yoga encourages a child to develop healthy self-esteem and healthy body awareness at zero competition—at an early stage. We introduce kids into yoga practice through exercises of creative expression.

Amrita Yoga Adults

“I am very grateful for this wonderful opportunity. I didn’t know there was so much to it! So much depth! So much detail! It is an experience that cannot be expressed in words.” – Erik Klein

Amrita Yoga Adults

“I really enjoyed the course. Each day was a challenge mentally and physically, but at the end of the day, I felt fulfilled and satisfied with a (slightly) stronger body and a deeper connection with yoga, and Amma.” – Bjorn

Amrita Yoga Adults

“I remained in awe that, in a 2-Day Amrita Yoga Retreat, I was able to benefit with such a depth of peace. I said to myself then that, if I practice it daily, it will surely take away my stress and I will be able to lead a peaceful life.” – Vinayalaxmi B Naik, Karwar, India

Amrita Yoga Adults

“It’s impossible to control the changes in the world, but at the same time it’s important to strengthen the mind and especially the heart, as well as to develop discipline and moderation in all areas of life. Indian ancient ideals of self-sacrifice, reverence for everything and to seek happiness from within should be kept alive.” – Pranav Kumar, Telangana, India

Amrita Yoga Adults

“Integrating yogasanas with values like acceptance, patience, unity and compassion, along with the help of Veda mantras, mudras and visualization, was a powerful experience. In that gentle, loving space we created, letting go became a beautiful dance.” – Pushpa, Finland

Amrita Yoga Youth

“Amrita Yoga Youth Workshops support students in being able to convert the challenging experiences in their lives into stepping stones towards success.” – Kishore, Bangalore, India

Amrita Yoga Kids

“Throughout each of the workshops at the school, the students were motivated to think beyond the basic purpose of their life and focus on achieving the higher goal, like the importance of being unique, to find the path that would bring inner joy to them and to strive for betterment of the society around them.” – Shakti, Parent of Hriday 8 years, Bangalore

Amrita Yoga Kids

“It’s fun; we get to play with the [yoga] cards.” – Amrita Prasad (Ethan), 7 years old

Amrita Yoga Kids

“I like when we play games like 123 yoga.” – Tara, 7 years old

Amrita Yoga Kids

“I like when we play games like 123 yoga.” – Tara, 7 years old

Amrita Yoga Kids

 “I like when we do the elephant pose because it’s funny.” – Kobi, 4 years old

Amrita Yoga Adults

“The Amrita Yoga classes provide much more than the hatha yoga classes typically found in western yoga studios. A whole new definition of yoga opened up for me with the very first class. I began to understand what the yoga sutras were teaching and that the postures are only one arm of the yoga experience.” Dinesh Lent, USA

Amrita Yoga Adults

“Making every action an act of devotion and awareness is a high and deep goal. These Amrita Yoga classes bring the practitioner significantly closer to that experience. I especially appreciated all the yearning+ heart/chest opening asanas.” Karen Marks, USA

Amrita Yoga Adults

 “You have created a yoga that the world is yearning for. I, now, feel I understand what a true foundation is. A true yoga practice is the magic carpet, leading us towards God.” Fergal O’Connor, Ireland

Amrita Yoga Adults

“Amrita Yoga represents devotional practice encompassing the whole 8 limbs of yoga as a living path and practical application of divine union. A restorative asana teaching holistic and complete. A living prayer in action towards surrender. Basic but detailed the best introduction to true Yoga.” Chetana Thornton, UK

Amrita Yoga Adults

“The gifts of Amrita Yoga are beyond words. My sense of equanimity and well-being has flowered. I feel more centered, present, and patient when I am with others.” Katherine Lage, USA

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Amrita Yoga Blog

Amma Explains ‘Self-dependence’ as the Goal of Yoga

This year’s International Day of Yoga (IDY) theme, “Yoga for Self and Society,” highlights yoga’s power to transform both individuals and communities. As Amma emphasized, yoga is not just a physical exercise but a path to mental peace, spiritual growth, and self-dependence—a state where true happiness and security come from within, unaffected by external circumstances. By promoting both physical and mental well-being, yoga is essential in today’s world, reducing stress and fostering mindfulness. This individual practice creates a ripple effect, inspiring others and contributing to a healthier, more balanced society.

The Song of Love

Discover the beauty of “The Song of Love,” a poem that captures the essence of unity, connection, and the quiet joy found in the simplest moments. Let it guide you to a place where the heart and soul harmonize with the world around you.

Love, Untrapped From “I” & “You”

Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri expounds on the true nature of supreme love. Most people are familiar with attachment, which can quickly turn to aversion, but true love is different. It’s a love without duality, where two become one, and it’s not an emotion that comes and goes. This supreme love is undying, without cause or reason, and transcends the mundane world of likes and dislikes. It’s a love that dissolves the ego and merges with the infinite, as seen in the poem by Mīrābai. As Amma says, “We are formless love — the embodiment of love,” and this love is beyond human intellect and calculation, a pure awareness that is the very nature of existence.

Making Space in Our Hearts for Others

Amma teaches us that the essence of spirituality is to awaken love and open up to the suffering of others. In a touching anecdote, Amma shares the story of a woman who was forced to skip essential dialysis treatments due to dire situations. As we expand our hearts, we will feel the pain of others as our own and help in whatever way we can.

Love Like a Diamond

“Love Like a Diamond” portrays love and growth, likening the personal transformation to a diamond formed under pressure. This inspirational poem dwells upon kindness, selflessness, and the power of love and self-discovery, bringing out the notion that one is never alone and that supporting others is a pathway to see yourself in every aspect of life.


Contact Us

Amrita Yoga Programs

We offer a wide range of yoga programs, workshops, and regular classes. For all. Worldwide. Come and join the movement.

Amma explains Yoga

"The meaning of the word yoga is 'coming together' or 'joining'.” Yoga unites our body, breath, mind, and awareness in the proper way. If we can control our bodies, we will be able to control our breath. If we can control our breath, we will be able to control our minds. If we can control the mind, we will be able to rise to Self-realization."

excerpt of Amma's IDY 2020 message

Amrita Yoga Programs


Youth and Young Adults

Kids Pre-Teens, and Teens


Holistic Health

International Day of Yoga

International Conferences

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